
Calculator to size a Klopper torispherical bottom

Calculator to size a Klopper torispherical bottom (R=D) according to DIN-28011

Enter information on Diameter and thickness and press the button "Calculate"

KLOPPER bottom calculator
CAISA; S.L. does not take responsibility for the precision of these measurements.

Dimensional calculation of KORBBOGEN bottoms

Calculator to size a Korbbogen type semi-elliptical bottom (R=0.8D) according to DIN-28013

Enter information on Diameter and thickness and press the button "Calculate"

KORBBOGEN bottom calculator
CAISA; S.L. does not take responsibility for the precision of these measurements.

Calculator to size a semi-spherical bottom

Enter information on Diameter and thickness and press the button "Calculate"

SEMI-SPHERICAL bottom calculator
CAISA; S.L. does not take responsibility for the precision of these measurements.